My Dream

Have you ever dreamed of a career so captivating that you eagerly spring out of bed each morning, ready to embrace the day? A passion you can envision yourself pursuing indefinitely, never worrying about retirement? Don’t get excited yet – I have nothing to sell you and no magic path to take. I am still in the dreaming phase myself but I dream of this type of life daily! It’s why I started my business Hello Fairytale – because I’m trying to find my own version of a happily-ever-after. I’ve tried many things but thankfully, my story is not finished! 

I Live in the “Zone of Excellence”

In 2022, I read the book The Genius Zone by Gay Hendricks which helped me identify that I’ve spent the last 25+ years of my life in a career where I was able to work in my Zone of Excellence as a UX/UI designer. Hendrick’s describes the “Zone of Excellence” as a state where individuals excel in certain skills and activities and are competent and capable. While operating in the Zone of Excellence, individuals may receive positive feedback, recognition, and success. However, Hendricks emphasizes that staying within this zone can be limiting because it doesn’t necessarily align with one’s true passions and purpose. Instead, he says we should aim for working in our Zone of Genius.

I Want to Live in The “Zone of Genius”

The Zone of Genius is where a person operates at their highest potential, tapping into their unique abilities and fulfilling their true calling. Unlike the Zone of Excellence, the Zone of Genius is characterized by activities that bring deep satisfaction and fulfillment.

And So I Continue

I’ve tried many things over the years as a hobby to try and uncover my Zone of Genius but I’ve managed to add more to the ‘nope’ list then the ‘oh, let’s keep at this’ list. As of January 2024, I’m beginning yet another quest, one that combines my style of drawing (colorful scribbles) with the world of hand lettering. I’m hopeful that this new adventure leads me on a path of creative passion, one that ignites the excitement to create each morning. So far, this path looks the most promising of all. Onward!