All You Need is Love

All you need is love, love-ahh-ove, all you need is love 🎶

Speaking of love, have you ever dreamed of a career so captivating that you eagerly spring out of bed each morning, ready to embrace the day? A passion you can envision yourself pursuing indefinitely, never worrying about retirement? I do! I dream of this type of career daily! It’s why I started the business Hello Fairytale – because I’m trying to find my own version of a happily-ever-after. My story is not finished. 

Today marks the beginning of a fresh creative journey for me, as I delve into the world of hand lettering and hand drawn art. I’m on a quest for a new career love, one that ignites the excitement to create each morning.

And so with that being said, here’s to another year and a renewed attempt at discovering creative fulfillment. Cheers!